Polish Distributor Action Invites Suppliers to Icecat Vendor Central

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Action, a leading Polish tech distributor with reseller activities like Sferis and Actis, is calling its vendors to use the Icecat Vendor Central platform. In order to, improve the quality of their product content. Also, there are no costs for vendors to register as a brand editor.

Starting as an IT distributor, Action has evolved into a considerable commercial wholesaler. Its focus lies on a wide range of tech products, value-added distribution, customized products, as well as their own brands.

Through Vendor Central, suppliers can improve their product content, free of charge. In this way, Action’s catalog gets quality content, which is key to increase purchases. Suppliers only need to register, indicate their brand name, and ask Icecat for authorization. After that, they can immediately start creating and enriching their own product information to improve the shopping experience.

You can find detailed tutorial videos regarding registration and the process of adding new products in the Vendor Central.

For more information, please contact Icecat or your account manager directly.

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