Team Diversity Shaping Icecat Culture

Avatar for Magdalena Niemiec

Icecat, IJskat, Gato de hielo, 氷猫, buz kedisi, ყინულის კატა ……

At Icecat, we are with more than 170 people coming from different parts of the world. This multicultural environment creates a unique atmosphere in the office. You can hear people speak all the different languages at the same time, and when you sneeze, you can expect “bless you” in at least three of them.

Little traditions

Some of the socializing activities are happening on a regular basis. Here are some of them:

Chicken Thursdays: Thursday is a highly anticipated day by many for one reason… every Thursday there is a chicken truck not far from the office, so it’s a perfect lunch option that’s highly popular among the employees

Friday drinks: on Fridays the weekend is welcomed with some drinks after work in the office kitchen; every now and then this usually quite room can turn into quite a party

Goodbye & Welcome parties: every employee deserves a warm welcome and even warmer goodbye party; because we spend a lot of time together and we have the opportunity to really get to know each other, goodbyes can get very emotional

Holiday celebrations: holiday spirit is present in the office, especially during Christmas, when decorations are displayed all over the office

International lunches: celebration of the diversity in the company, when everyone brings food from their homeland

Apart from that, there are some extra activities like team building excursions (twice a year everyone goes together on a trip and takes part in team building workshops) or Halloween (last year two professional makeup artists came to the office to turn the employees into monsters).

Go green

The way of commuting to work impacts not only the environment but also productivity, health, and happiness of the employees. Some means of transport are better than other and we are aware of that. It doesn’t surprise anyone, that a lot of us commute by bike (influence of the Dutch lifestyle). Some of us use custom-made Icecat bikes and others, that live further away, chose public transportation or a car. Fortunately, since 2019, all the company cars are electric so our company does not directly contribute to the pollution and smog caused by transport.

That’s the spirit!

Every achievement is noticed at Icecat. Every successes is noted on Scoreboard – our Skype group. We gratulate, cheer and motivate each other to become better and better at our job. Besides that, every time there is a big deal made, it is celebrated with hitting the office gong.

Shared values, attitudes, goals and practices define the company culture. However, the most important thing is to create a space, where everyone feels secure and comfortable. After all the office is our second home.

If you want to meet our team, check out the “Faces of Icecat” album.

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