3D Images and Product Variants via Product XML


Icecat has made is possible for its users to create 3D images themselves based on the raw data – photos in respective order – from product XMLs. Further, we are adding a new attribute in the Icecat system: product variant, we have improved the structure of downloading the product images from the Icecat web site. Please see details below.

3D images also available via product XML
As of today, Icecat users can get all the raw images – with their respective order number – to create 3D pictures. This option was till recently only available through JSON. Dutch etail giant BOL.com, part of Ahold Delhaize, requested those via its current XML interface.

New XML structure:

Some of the Icecat users have already implemented 3D pictures on their side. Please see the example of a Xerox multifunctional as included in Centralpoint.nl below.

Announcement: GTIN-based Product Variants
In the context of the GS1 Fashion Base project, the Icecat Team is working very hard to extend its data model with GTIN-based product variants. Through this extension, it will be easy to uniquely identify products that deviate from the main product on 1 or a few specs. For example, the same shoe but with different colour or a different size.

On the 16th of October,  the functionality regarding Variants will be live. This will affect the structure of the product XML, JSON, XSD, DTD schemes.

Please change your import scripts according to the new structure, to
continue to receive updated data from Icecat. See on the links below, the changes that will apply:

Download images in a zip file
On the request of L’Oréal, the download of images through the retailer portal for matching products results now in a zip file where images are divided over folders per locale (e.g., NL, FR) per resolution (e.g., high-res, original, medium). Via the local folders, the retailer can obtain the respective images.

Chief Operating Officer at Icecat

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