
Swiss Toy Retailer Franz Carl Weber Implements Icecat’s Product Stories

Franz Carl Weber, the Swiss retailer specializing in toys is now making use of the Icecat Product Stories in their online store. The omnichannel merchant, which also has 22 physical stores across the country, has integrated this enhanced content feature. The goal is to improve customer experience on their website and boost conversion rate. 

Enhanced Content for Increased Conversion Rate

The Icecat Product Stories are a type of rich content that combines different multimedia assets. It is designed in a brand’s look and feel, in order to represent the brand well. Additionally, it improves the customer’s online shopping experience. Take a look at a live example on the website of Franz Carl Weber in the video below.

Implement Product Stories on Your Website

If you are an online merchant interested in implementing the Icecat Product Stories, please contact us. The implementation is easy – just a few lines of JavaScript and you are all set for all devices your visitors might use. We also have a manual available that further explains the integration. 

Account Manager Toys and Games at Icecat - Helping brands and resellers with optimize their product content for ecommerce

Koen Gerlach

Account Manager Toys and Games at Icecat - Helping brands and resellers with optimize their product content for ecommerce

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