
Cypriot Shopping Platform Appla uses Icecat Content for an Advanced Online Shopping Experience

Appla, based in Cyprus, is the largest online shopping platform where merchants can reach as many consumers as possible and ultimately expand their brand and increase their revenues. Currently, Appla sells products in categories such as fashion, personal care, nutrition, computers and electronics, entertainment, and hobby. Appla uses Icecat product content to improve the customer experience for its online shoppers. Recently, Appla introduced a new service where Cypriots can make their purchases through a huge variety of products that come directly from EU suppliers. The service includes dozens of major European suppliers and offers the best items from the biggest brands in every product category. Over a million products from across Europe are now available in Cyprus through Appla’s Shopping Catalogue.

We launched this unique service to meet the needs of the local market. Our customers demand various products with competitive prices and excellent customer support. The customer service department is ready to support every customer who chooses to benefit from our variety of products. We believe that such a wide variety of products, along with our exceptional customer care, is going to deliver the best consumer experience in Cyprus, yet

Christos Eliades, Deputy CEO and CFO at Appla

Content optimizes the online experience

Icecat supports all categories of product content and integrations to marketplaces like Amazon, AliExpress, and Google Shopping. Appla asks its vendors to register, enter, and enrich their product content via the Vendor Central interface. Or to join the premium services of Open Icecat for unlimited or controlled content syndication to all their channel partners. They can start entering and enriching their product content, like product titles, descriptions, specs, images, 360 degrees demos, feature logos, sustainability data, or videos. 

As part of the solution, Appla helps brands to promote and position their products in its marketplace and sales channels more effectively. It also improves the completeness of their product content, reduces the time to market for new products, and boosts sales.

Benefits for Appla Vendors

Brand owners should invest time and money in enhancing the product content because it engages online with more shoppers. Additionally, it facilitates placing products on different platforms of channel partners. As a result, it will Increase sales conversions. The key benefit for a vendor’s operations is saving costs by creating their product information management system (PIM) and syndication infrastructures. 

Now, all a brand need to do is sign up for a free Vendor Central account. Icecat supports all (60+) main global languages in its multilingual taxonomy. In addition, Icecat takes care of the support of all (60+) major world languages in its multilingual taxonomy. This guarantees that a product data-sheet entered once will be automatically available in all these languages! Furthermore, Icecat offers digital rights management to limit syndication to authorized resellers only in case of advanced brand requirements.

How to join?

After registration, a brand owner can start entering and enriching the product content, including product titles, descriptions, specs, images, 360 degrees, product demos, videos, feature logos, sustainability data, and Enhanced Product Stories.

There is a tutorial available on editing data via Icecat Vendor Central. To register, follow these steps:

  1. Firstly, sign up for a free Icecat account.
  2. Secondly, Confirm your e-mail address.
  3. Finally, contact Icecat to assign your brand to your account.

Please contact your local account manager or us directly via the website if you need more information.

Gio Abramishvili

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