
New Feature: Expert Reviews added to the Product XML Datasheets

From the 15th of September 2021, Icecat will add Expert Reviews to the product XML datasheets. Reviews help retailers to improve conversion rates and customer loyalty. As reviews are one of the best ways to increase the feeling of trust of online visitors. The trust will help to raise the conversion rate on their product pages. 

To explain, Icecat aggregates editorial reviews from thousands of high-quality online publications from over 70 countries. Secondly, Icecat standardizes them and makes this available for retailers. As reviews have more weight because consumers recognize and trust the publishers behind them. More importantly, expert reviews are easy to integrate via an XML or Live API. With XML a retailer has flexible integration and the freedom to customize the data. While Live API integrations take only a few minutes.

Below is an example of the extract of an XML document with the structure of the new ‘Reviews’ element:

<ICECAT-interface ...>
  <Product ...>

      <Review ID="{reviewId}" langid="{langId}" Score="{score}" Published="{YYYY-MM-DD}" Author="{author}">


In a later stage, next to the product XML datasheets, other output formats will also be enriched with the review content.

In case you have any questions regarding reviews or need help with the implementation, then please contact Icecat directly online, register, or contact your local account manager.

Anton Bondarenko

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