
Mexican Supplier Uses Icecat Product Content For Its Ecom

The electronics supplier, Doto, is a Mexican company committed to bringing technology within everyone’s reach; their online store was born in 2012. They grew as providers for the most recognized online platforms, later becoming independent in 2016 on their own platform.

Doto seeks to be the best online store in Mexico, staying at the forefront with 100% original and new products, and now, to improve their customers’ experience even more, uses Full Icecat to complete the information on their product pages.

Close the Content Gap

Doto invites all its vendors to register, free of charge, on the Icecat Vendor Central PIM. To start entering and enriching their product information immediately. This helps to close the content gap: add missing digital assets or create data sheets for undescribed products. This allows brands to promote and position their products more effectively on the Doto webshop. Furthermore, it helps to reduce the time to market for new products. All in all, it boosts sales.

Enter Content in Icecat Free Vendor Central

As a Full Icecat user, Doto has access to the Icecat Free Vendor Central Program. The electronics supplier Doto invites all its vendors to enter product content, free of charge, on the PIM. The Free Vendor Central stimulates non-sponsoring brands to enter, edit, and enrich their product content for all their products, thus reducing content management costs in the channel. Additionally, adding enhanced product stories and other rich media to optimize the online buying experience is possible. Great product content is key to boosting conversion rates and sales.

It is easy to register in three steps:

  1. Sign up for a free Icecat account.
  2. Confirm your email address.
  3. Icecat will verify your affiliation and assign your brand to your account.

How to Access Icecat Content?

Please use your Icecat account to download the free product content if you are a channel partner. If you still need an account, please register online, contact your local Account Manager, or contact us online.

Maria Diaz

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