
Editorial Rules Around the Production of Icecat Product Data-Sheets

Our editors work around the editorial rules for Product Data-Sheets. Icecat editors are involved in the large-scale production of standardized and localized product data-sheets (PDSs) on behalf of brands participating in Open Icecat. How do we define and explain the logic of each content element in an Icecat PDS? We differentiate this between what we include in a standard PDS versus what we usually add as an extra brand service. And what we should predefine in SLAs before the editorial team starts production?

Some basic definitions before we start:

“Regular production” – activities that are related only to the general description process.

“On-demand production” – activities that have a wider list of requirements and Icecat does not cover by regular production.

Content element definitions

Product name

A Product name is a description by which a product we designate and distinguish from other products. Usually, the product name fits within the broader branding philosophy, telling its own «unique story» to consumers. For example, the IT sector typically uses the product model number as the product name.

Icecat editors provide two types of product names: International (regular) and Local (on-demand) ones.

Local product title

The concatenation of: brand name + product family + product series (optional) + international product name + key specifications (defined per category) + category name (optional).

If the editor manually fills the local product name, the local product title consists of brand name + product family + product series (optional) + local product name + category name (optional). So specifications we do not include in the manual variant.

We automatically generate titles.

Bullet points

Bullet points are short phrases that summarize the main properties and key benefits of a product. Preferably there are at least three bullet points per PDS and not more than ten; the ideal is around seven (the average capacity of the human short term memory).

two local bullet points are included in regular production, n+2 – on-demand production. Bullet points that are generated out of technical specifications – on-demand production.

Long Product name

Long Product name is an assortment of key features. This is selected by editors to show key technical benefits of a product and distinguish it from other products. Icecat editors provide local long product names.

We include two local product names in regular production, n+2 – on-demand production.

Marketing text

Marketing text is an original text, supplied by the manufacturer. In short, our editors copy-paste text from official sources, doing basic text formatting according to icecat rules. 

We include two local marketing texts in regular production, n+2 – on-demand production.

Warranty note

The warranty note is original warranty information from the manufacturer.

We include warranty notes in regular production.

Short summary description

Short summary description is a concatenation of key spec values, generated automatically, based on certain logic that is defined per category. A maximum number of features: 6.

Long summary description

The long summary description is an extended version, a concatenation of key specs and values. It is generated automatically, based on certain logic that is defined per category. The maximum number of features: 15.

We automatically generate Titles.

Product Image Gallery

The Product image gallery is consists of the main image and additional images. Recommended image requirements:  resolution 1000×1000 pixels; formats Jpeg, PNG; color modes RGB and sRGB; PPI 72, size up to 2 MB; front view and white background is a must for the main image. Do not crop images, contain advertising, watermarks, multiple views of the same product on a single picture. Preferably have at least 3 to 5 pictures per product. 

In regular production we include images. * *We do the clipping and/or formatting activities on-demand.

Feature Logos

Feature logos are graphics content elements that represent certain (proprietary) technology. To clarify, we assign logos automatically per product based on pre-filled specifications. And also, to each logo, we will add the general description of the technology. 

Based on product specifications we add Feature Logos.


RTB or Reasons-to-buy enhance traditional product description by adding rich content to heighten the shopping experience of customers. Reasons to Buy in Icecat consist of a:

Firstly, the title, a short name, or slogan by which the RTB is designated. But also distinguishes from others. It should be concise, understandable, and informative.

Secondly, a short description, a short explanation of the product’s key benefit. It should be easy to read, focused on a unique product feature or benefit. 

Thirdly, product picture added to the RTB description, the image should effectively illustrate product features or benefits.

You can add RTBs on demand.


Official video content supplied by the manufacturer. You can either upload videos on the Icecat platform in mp4 format or link to Youtube. But, only to official channels.

On demand you can add Videos.

PDF Leaflets

PDF leaflets are official PDF brochure, supplied by the manufacturer.

Regular productions include two local product PDF leaflets. n+2 – on-demand production.

PDF Manual

PDF manual is an official PDF manual of the product, supplied by the manufacturer.

Regular productions include two local product manuals. n+2 – on-demand production.

Other PDF’s

The other PDF’s are some extra useful information in PDF format, supplied by the manufacturer.

On demand you can add PDF’s.

The Energy efficiency

Energy efficiency is a Energy class, PDF/Jpeg energy label and PDF product fiche.

Energy class and energy labels are included in regular production, product fiches are added on-demand.

Recommended and similar products:

  • recommended – products from other categories that you use with the respective products.
  • similar – products from the same category, that may become a good alternative to the respective product.

On demand you can add relations.

3D Tour

The 3D tour is a 360 view of the product. The preferred requirements are:
– Firstly, at least 30 image views,
– Secondly, 1000×1000 pixels (2000×2000 pixels for zoom capabilities), JPG, PNG image formats.

The 3D tours are added on demand.


Searchable specs are mandatory specs with a coverage guarantee (>95%). That is to say that these specs are not only the most important for a product but also provided by all manufacturers which results in high-level coverage.

Mandatory specs define the most important characteristics of a product. However, mandatory specs can only be entered when manufacturers supply such values. Normally, coverage levels for mandatory specs are over 80%.

Ordinary specs define essential and integral characteristics of a product. In short, these specs might be filled in or might be blank. Icecat doesn’t guarantee any coverage level on these.

“Grey” specs added to Icecat via automated manufacturer feeds. These specs are not in use by editors and may contain non-standardized data.

Spec value types

Icecat supports 13 value types for specs. Please find below examples of value types:

  • # — numerical, supports only integer or floating numbers;
  • # – # — range, supports a range of integers or floating numbers;
  • #/# — ratio, supports a relation between integers or floating numbers;
  • #:# — contrast ratio, supports a relation between integers, added specifically for display/graphics needs;
  • # x # —  2-dimensional (2D) spec with integers or floating numbers;
  • # x # x # — a 3-dimensional (3D) spec with integers or floating numbers;
  • Y/N — a boolean;
  • Alphanumerical — a type that supports a mix of integer numbers and letters [0-9a-zA-Z];
  • Date (YYYY-MM-DD) — a spec type that specifically supports date values;
  • Dropdown — allows selecting only one value out of a pre-defined list of values, which can be textual, numerical, or mixed;
  • Multi-feature — a list, which allows selecting multiple predefined spec values, which can be textual, numerical, or mixed;
  • Text line — supports any kind of values, including words, word-combinations, and sentences. Specs of this type are non-standardized. But also and local (not INT) and values can be separated with dots or commas;
  • Text area — supports any kind of values, including words, word-combinations, and sentences. Specs of this type are non-standardized and local (not INT). We can separate values with dots, commas, or new line breaks.

In short, most of the aforesaid spec types are standardized. And thus applicable for filtering/searching except for the last two.

We add product specs in regular production

Product Story

The Product Story is a rich content page, that has multimedia content in it. In short, this means that the page consists of blocks, that have pre-defined types. For example, like marketing text, a carousel of images, hotspot images, and videos. Product Stories support two types of HTML stories:

  • Firstly, Standard – these have basic content elements, products from different series have the same layout of content blocks. Requirements are quite similar across brands.
  • Secondly, Hero – these contain sophisticated types of content blocks with animation and js scripts embedded. These are unique, and we can standardize only by cutting off exclusive elements.

On demand you can add Product stories.

Alexander Velychko

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