
Manual for Product Reviews Integration via Icecat

Below you will find a manual for product reviews integration. Icecat provides aggregated expert reviews from its activity Testseek, as an add-on service for both Open Icecat and Full Icecat users. For Open Icecat users, the content is limited to the brands which sponsor Icecat for reviews. But, for Full Icecat users who have a subscription for reviews will have access to all Testseek reviews for all brands.

Icecat Product Data-Sheet integration

If you are looking into product data-sheets (PDSs) into your platform, in addition to reviews, then check out these manuals: to integrate product data without frames, conforming your CSS, then use the Icecat Live manual. Live (JS) is the modern variant of the good-old URL integration method. If you want to have full control over the data, then make use of the XML, JSON or CSV download methods. See the overview of methods and manuals.

Further, check out the Add-On page for popular platforms already integrating Icecat data.

Options for Testseek integration

If you subscribe to the reviews via Icecat, you can do your integration using either the Testseek API or Icecat API (Application Programming Interface).

Integration via Icecat

Reviews can be fetched via Icecat standard pull-APIs.:

  • Icecat XML:
    The reviews can be found in <Reviews> element of the standard XML. Please see this article to see an example of <Reviews> structure.
  • Icecat JSON:
    Reviews can be found under “Reviews” content parameter. JSON also provides users with a possibility to request Reviews container specifically with other content types excluded.

Integration via Testseek

  • Live API:
    For clients who want a quick and easy integration, Testseek offers a Live API that can respond with preformatted HTML (ajax/JS). The client controls the design via a locally hosted CSS.
  • XML API:
    For clients who do not want to do real-time requests to external servers, Testseek offers an XML API export which enables the client to import and keep all data locally.

Important legal notes

Testseek operates under citation right, and the EU copyrights directive, and US “Fair use” framework allowing linking and quotation. Testseek quotes reviews, which were originally published on third-party online websites. During Testseek’s over ten years of existence it hasn’t ever received any legal claim.

Citation right:

  • When quoting a third-party publication, it is required to clearly state the original publication source of the review (like: “written by:”).
  • It is not required to include a link to the original article.

Nevertheless, Testseek’s policies for quoting third party reviews are:

  • Always clearly state the original publication source.
  • Always link to the original publication source.

As long as Testseek’s client or user follows Testseek’s quotation policies, Testseek will take full responsibility. But if you do not follow Testseek’s policies, Testseek will take no responsibility.

In case you (as a user) are approached by a publisher that claims copyrights to any third-party content, please report it immediately to Testseek or Icecat, as Icecat will report this without delay to Testseek.

For more information about the manual for product reviews integration and how to do this, please contact us directly.


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