
CEO Monthly Awards Icecat CEO

We are happy to announce that our CEO, Martijn Hoogeveen, earned an award as most influential CEO in product content. This recognition by CEO Monthly serves as a compliment to Icecat’s commitment to innovation and its visionary leadership.

At Icecat, we recognize the immense value and impact of structured product content. Especially through our Open Icecat model, providing free product data to our e-commerce customers, helping their clients make informed decisions. Furthermore, we believe that thought leadership plays a fundamental role in achieving remarkable milestones.

About CEO Monthly

CEO Monthly is a prominent publication that recognizes a CEO’s pivotal role in shaping an organization’s success. Its primary objectives are to provide the latest insights, engaging interviews, and compelling profiles of CEOs from various industries across the corporate landscape.

“The CEO of Icecat NV has been recognized for his contribution towards providing free product data to e-commerce clients and manufacturers through the Open Icecat model.

This award is a recognition of the CEO’s leadership skills, vision, and ability to influence the industry in a positive way. It is also a recognition of the efforts of the entire team at Icecat NV and other stakeholders who have contributed towards the success of the Open Icecat model.

In addition, it is a significant achievement for the CEO and Icecat NV, as it highlights their commitment towards providing high-quality product data to the e-commerce industry.

Finally, this award is likely to enhance the reputation of Icecat NV and the CEO in the industry and may also lead to new opportunities and collaborations in the future.”

Microsoft copilot

Adding Another Notable Achievement To Icecat’s Success Story

Winning the Most Influential CEO award adds another significant achievement to Icecat’s track record of 2023. We are grateful to be recognized once again, following our previous success in receiving the NPEX Award for the most Traded Stock. Looking ahead, we anticipate upcoming accomplishments that will further strengthen our position as a leader in product content solutions.


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