
Icecat takes over Syndy, specialist in FMCG and toys product data

Icecat acquires 92% of Syndy, a platform for the exchange of product information between brands and retailers, specialized in product data for sectors such as, FMCG, toys and DIY. Syndy works for clients like FrieslandCampina,  Philips Lighting and Co-op in the Netherlands. Recently Syndy started working in China with Alibaba and Tencent.

“Joining a larger enterprise with a global network of brands and retailers, and expertise within adjacent markets, accelerates Syndy’s ability to push digital transformation across its clients, which we see as an imperative for companies seeking to win the game of E-Commerce.” says Pieter van Herpen, CEO Syndy.

Martijn Hoogeveen (CEO Icecat) states: “Icecat produces product data and Syndy supplies a PIM (Product Information Management) system. Icecat is very strong in structured sectors, where standardized data is widely used, while Syndy is strong in new e-commerce verticals with less structured product data such as FMCG, DIY or Health & Beauty. This is the reason why Icecat believes in this partnership.”

This take-over allows both product information specialists to better service their brand and retail clients with a more complete set of solutions.  It also strengthens the ecosystem of the ICURY, the token that Icecat recently announced.
Syndy will continue to operate as an independent company and the founders Pieter van Herpen (CEO) and Rogier Pennink (CTO) will remain directors and shareholders.

You can read more about the take over in the dutch media:

Laura van der Blom

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