
Icecat Release Notes 188: Daily Index Files Generation, PIM Search Enhancement, and Search Query Statistics

In Icecat Release Notes 188, users can explore enhancements aimed at refining their experience. The update includes a comprehensive daily index files generation logic revamp, ensuring timely and relevant information for users. The PIM search page undergoes significant improvements, elevating the overall user experience with enhanced features and streamlined functionalities. Furthermore, the introduction of search query statistics provides valuable insights into user behavior, enhancing the platform’s search functionality. Alongside these key developments, users can find details on other important updates contributing to Icecat’s commitment to continuous improvement. For further details, please refer to the previous Icecat Release Notes.

Daily Index Files Generation Logic Update

In an effort to enhance the efficiency of our data processing systems, we are excited to introduce a significant update to the logic governing the generation of daily index files. This evolution brings forth a more dynamic and responsive approach to keeping our partners informed and up-to-date.

The core of this update lies in a refined approach to daily index file creation. With the latest enhancement, the expiry date of an image or multimedia object now serves as a trigger for asset deactivation and prompts the inclusion of the associated products in the daily index file.

When an image or multimedia object associated with a product reaches its expiry date, the asset deactivation process is initiated. Simultaneously, the product is dynamically added to the daily index file. This proactive strategy ensures that our partners receive timely notifications, signaling them to update information about the respective product.

Key Benefits:

  • Real-Time Updates:

The new logic ensures that the daily index files are dynamically updated in real time, reflecting the most accurate and current information about our product catalog.

  • Timely Partner Notifications:

Partners are promptly notified when a product has updated information, signaling they need to refresh and update details about the affected product.

  • Efficiency and Accuracy:

By tying the index file generation to asset expiry, we eliminate delays and discrepancies, fostering a more efficient and accurate data update process.

  • Partner Collaboration:

This logic update aligns with our commitment to transparent and collaborative partnerships. It empowers our partners with timely information, enabling them to maintain accuracy in their product-related data.

This daily index files generation logic update represents a pivotal step toward a more responsive, efficient, and partner-centric data management system.

PIM Search Page Enhancements Elevates User Experience

Our latest sprint focused on refining and enhancing the PIM Search page in response to valuable user feedback and a commitment to continuous improvement. The feedback received has been instrumental in shaping these improvements, ensuring a more user-friendly and efficient experience for our users.

Key Developments:

  • Default Email in “Report by Email” Field:

The “Report by Email” field now conveniently populates with users’ email addresses by default. However, users retain the flexibility to input an alternative email address as needed.

  • Multimedia Object Filter Sync:

We’ve synchronized our multimedia object filter to encompass all types of multimedia supported in Icecat. This update ensures a comprehensive and unified approach to multimedia object filtration.

  • Dynamic Feature Filter:

The feature filter has undergone significant improvements. When users select a specific category in the “Category” filter, the “Feature” filter now dynamically proposes features available within that specific category. The same logic is applied to the “Feature value” filter, enhancing precision and relevance in feature selection.

  • Access for Taxonomy Team:

Taxonomy managers now have access to Group actions, empowering them to execute necessary manipulations with features and categories for batches of products. This collaborative approach facilitates efficient taxonomy management within the system.

  • Introducing “Show only selected” Functionality:

The most important development of this sprint is the introduction of the “Show only selected” button. This function serves as a preview before conducting Group actions, allowing users to filter the product list exclusively to those marked with tick marks. During a “Show only selected” session, removing the tick mark from a product initiates a brief delay before the product is seamlessly removed from the view. The list promptly refreshes if the user has more products than the specified number per page, seamlessly transitioning to the subsequent page.

These updates are designed to enhance the overall user experience, providing more intuitive features and streamlined processes. We believe these refinements will increase our users’ productivity and satisfaction. Search Query Statistics

In our latest sprint, we are thrilled to introduce a groundbreaking feature that promises to elevate the user experience on – the Search Query Statistics. This development opens a window into the world of user behavior, providing invaluable insights into what our users are searching for.

Key Highlights:

  • Analyzing User Queries:

The new Search Query Statistics feature empowers us to delve into the queries entered by users in the search field. This means we can now gain a deeper understanding of the specific products, information, or categories users are actively seeking.

  • Evaluating Search Experience:

Beyond simply tracking queries, this feature allows us to assess the success of users’ search experiences. By analyzing which queries lead to successful and relevant results, we can identify patterns and areas for improvement in our search functionality.

  • User Behavior Insights:

Understanding user behavior is key to refining our platform. With the Search Query Statistics, we can uncover trends, preferences, and common queries. This wealth of information enables us to tailor our offerings and enhance the overall usability of

  • Continuous Improvement:

Armed with comprehensive data on search queries, we can make informed decisions to improve our search functionality continually. Whether it’s fine-tuning algorithms, introducing new features, or optimizing search results, this feature positions us to evolve in sync with user needs.

This marks another step in our ongoing journey to provide our users a seamless and enriching experience.

Other Improvements in Icecat Release Notes 188:

  • PCF Type of Request Enriches Our Reporting Engine

The latest sprint brings forth a feature allowing us to monitor and analyze how our esteemed partners engage with the PCF (Product Content Feed) type of product requests. With this update, Icecat’s Reporting Engine is now equipped with specialized tools to monitor and analyze our partners’ utilization of PCF functionality. This dedicated monitoring feature offers comprehensive insights into partners’ requests of PCF files. The addition of PCF activity monitoring provides us with valuable insights for strategic decision-making. By understanding how PCF functionality is utilized and identifying areas for improvement.

  • The Repairability Index is Now Available in Copy Product

In a recent update, Icecat introduced a seamless platform enhancement with the newly integrated Copy Product functionality. This feature empowers users to duplicate the Repairability Index from one product to another effortlessly. This streamlining of the copying process enhances efficiency and convenience for users who seek consistency in Repairability Index values across multiple products. Icecat continues to prioritize user-friendly functionalities, ensuring a smoother experience for product information management on the platform.

Stay tuned for more updates as we continue to innovate and improve your experience with Icecat. Your feedback and support are invaluable in driving these enhancements.

Olena Vasylynenko

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