
Icecat Release Notes 174: Implemented Copy Product Functionality and Upgrade in Export Tool

Icecat Release Notes 174 brings several notable updates. For example, we highlight the implemented Copy product functionality. Furthermore, we explain the enhanced Export tool and the initiation of new development projects. For further details, please refer to the previous Icecat Release Notes.

Copy product functionality

We are pleased to announce the release of the new Copy product functionality. Our editors now have the capability to include all assets while copying a product. This enhanced functionality encompasses four assets: Family, Series, Category, and Is Dangerous. Users have the option to copy the Category independently and “Is dangerous” assets without any dependencies on other assets. If users choose to copy the Family, the Category will be automatically selected. Similarly, selecting the Series for copying will include both the Family and Category, streamlining the process and minimizing the potential for errors.

We would like to note that the Copy product function is temporarily unavailable for our brand partners. However, we assure you that this functionality will be made available once the entire testing process is completed. We encourage you to stay updated by following our Sprint Notes for more information on the development progress.

Export tool upgrade

We are delighted to announce the latest enhancement to our Export tool, which includes the feature filter based on the partner’s taxonomy. This filter enables users to refine and organize features according to their level inside the partner’s taxonomy. The levels are Mandatory, Ordinary, and Not Required. With this new capability, the Icecat team and partners can now receive more precise information about the completeness of their products for submission to the partners. The inclusion of Mandatory features allows us to identify any weak areas in the product description that our team is intended to improve. While Ordinary features are not obligatory, enhancing them can raise the overall quality of the product description. Not Required features may not be a priority for our partners, but they still contribute value to the product description, improving the customer’s experience and knowledge about the product.

At Icecat, we prioritize the standardization of product descriptions. Through the Export tool and other enhancements, we have become increasingly attractive and efficient for our partners.

Other improvements in Icecat Release Notes 174:

  • In this and the upcoming sprints, we are diligently working on enhancing the product search page in our PIM system. These improvements aim to deliver the desired enhancements that our partners have been anticipating.
  • We are diligently focusing on strengthening the security of our PIM system. Our team has initiated the development process to safeguard brand products against unauthorized access. Additionally, this development effort will streamline the registration process for our brand partners on Icecat, making it easier and more efficient.
Olena Vasylynenko

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