
Icecat Release Notes 145: New Simplified Registration Process and Media API

In these Icecat Release Notes 145, we will explain the new simplified registration process. Further, we will discuss the new Media API. And finally, we shall highlight some improvements and fixes. Please, find here the previous Icecat Release Notes.

The new simplified registration process

From now on, the registration process on Icecat will be more user-friendly and simple, taking less time and effort for a user to complete. We removed up to six fields from the registration flow, e.g. Address credentials, Mobile number, and eBusiness platform used. Users will be able to fill those fields anytime later under the “My profile” section.

Media API

We developed the first part of the Media API that will give users the possibility to upload videos to Icecat storage to further stream them to their customers. In this first iteration, we delivered the implementation of the API that will place a user’s video assets on Icecat storage. In the next iterations, we will develop more features and services which will help to embed video assets to Icecat Live or just stream them to end-users.

Other improvements

  • New endpoints were added to the video encoder in order to support videos from Media API
  • Added new languages to Icecat (Philippine English and Filipino)
  • Added a new list of locales to the Amazon Authorization button in the frontoffice
  • Increased the size of the Disclaimer field in the product description section
Teymur Asgarov

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