
Icecat Release Notes 117: uptime service page, user record notifications, completeness score color changing, and brand rank optimization

In these Icecat Release Notes 117, we discuss the new status page, user record notification, subcategories in PIM search results. Further, we highlight completeness score color changing and brand rank page optimization. You can find the previous Icecat Release Notes 116 here.

Uptime status monitoring page

We created an uptime status monitoring service page for our users. Till recently we kept the reports for ourselves, but it’s nice to have the data available for our users as well.

Security: User record update notification

When a user record is created by another user or his user type is updated, a ticket is created. The ticket contains the user name of the creator and the details of the created or updated user record. If the user type changes, the notification should contain the user’s user name who has changed the user type. This for security monitoring purposes.

Sub-categories included in PIM search results

When a user searches in the Vendor Central PIM a category, and it contains sub-categories, the products of the sub-categories should be included in the search response by default.

The checkbox is enabled when a user starts typing a string in the category search field. A user can deactivate it.

Fix: completeness score color changing

Every product has a completeness score. Based on retailer requirements we made a high-res product image an obligatory asset in the completeness score. However, we gave it an added value of 0% as we can’t guarantee that brand owners meet this requirement. We did a little fix, that the high-res image requirement becomes green when an editor adds a 1000×1000 picture to the product, even though the added score is 0%.

Front Office: Brand rank analytics optimization

In the scope of the technical debt improvements, we refactored the code generating brand rank analytics. More in detail, we improved the Brand Rank page‘s back-end request performance.

Small fixes

  • Product page: Added space after “created by” in the “Data-sheet quality” value.
  • Mobile version: fixed the 404 error when trying to open the My Downloads page via the hamburger menu.
Vladimir Demchuk

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