
Update: Icecat Nominated for FD Gazellen Award 2020 and Ranked 46th

FD Gazellen Award 2020 nominates Icecat as one of the fast-growing companies of The Netherlands. Every year Het Financieele Dagblad, the Dutch largest financial news outlet, both in print and online, organizes these FD Gazellen Awards. Icecat ranked 46th in the category mid-size, you can find the whole list of 772 Gazellen here.

We are proud to be nominated for the FD Gazellen Award 2020. Especially, as this is for the third year in a row. This couldn’t have been possible without our users, clients, partners, and the hard work of the whole team. Thank you!

Marco Noor, CFO of Icecat

Icecat is once again, after 2018 and 2019, one of the fastest-growing companies in the Netherlands. Recently, we won multiple other awards like the European Business Award, a 4th ranking in the Main Software 50 of 2019, and a top 50 listing among Fastest Growing Dutch Data Science companies in 2020. Maybe we’re most happy with being number one as content syndicator according to SimilarWeb. Because that says something about the competitive edge of Icecat in its core-industry.

Winner announced via digital presentation

FD announces the winner this year via a digital presentation on Thursday 19 November at 4 pm (CET) per region, due to COVID-19. The organization will hand out the bronze, silver, and gold FD Gazelles. And also tell who is the overall winner of the top 100.

FD Gazellen Award nominates Icecat this year because of its consecutive revenue growth of 20% over the past three years. Further, we meet the requirement to be economically active since at least 2017. And finally, the result must be positive. For details about 2019, please see the annual report and information about Icecat on the Dutch digital stock exchange for SMEs NPEX. NPEX lists Icecat since 2016.

Note: the FD sometimes calls it FD Gazellen Award (plural), and sometimes FD Gazelle Award (singular). Confusingly.

Digital Marketing Manager at Icecat N.V.

Wouter Maatman

Digital Marketing Manager at Icecat N.V.

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