
GS1 Poland and Icecat team up to power SmartSearch

GS1 Poland and Icecat are working together to better serve their partners and achieve a higher standardization level across the channel. GS1 Poland will deliver GTINs (EANs) to Icecat, which will then feed GS1 SmartSearch. GS1 SmartSearch’s standard and guidelines, combined with Icecat product content, make it possible to find structured data with related GTINs, so that website conversions are higher and customers have a better online experience. 

Users browsing GTIN number can download the complete data-sheet from Icecat catalog.

Magdalena Krasoń-Wałęsiak, E-commerce Manager at GS1 Poland, says: “Currently, GS1 Poland and Icecat are running a pilot in Poland (Produkty w Sieci). The platform is in the proof of concept phase. Icecat is verifying GTINs and the name of the products from the database.”

“Our cooperation with GS1 Poland will help our channel partners to further improve their online content and find product data much quicker, by GTINs’ calls”, says Katarzyna Kwasniak, Country Manager for CEE region at Icecat.

It is worth mentioning that Google Shop only accepts entries via EAN code. Therefore, the demand for correct GTINs/EANs is high across the channel.

Gloria Serafini

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