
Expert Hungary powered by Icecat

The Hungarian distributor Expert ZRT uses Full Icecat product content for its business-to-business store. The core business of the 80m USD (75.5m EUR) distributor is the wholesale of computers, computer parts, notebooks, and other office and consumer electronic products to channel partners. Now that Expert ZRT uses Full Icecat, it has access to consumer electronics product content that is available in the Icecat product catalog.

The coverage of this product content in the Icecat catalog is very high as Icecat works closely with leading brands that Expert carries, like HP, Acer, Dell, Huawei, Lenovo, ASUS, Philips, and many more. As a Full Icecat subscriber, the wholesaler has immediate access to the Free Vendor Central Program as well.

Close the content gap

Expert ZRT asks all its vendors to register, free-of-charge, for the Vendor Central PIM. To start entering and enriching their product information immediately. This helps to close the content gap: add missing digital assets or create data-sheets for undescribed products. This helps brands to be more effective in promoting and positioning their products in the Expert ZRT platform and elsewhere. Furthermore, it helps to reduce the time-to-market for new products. All in all, it boosts sales.

Benefits Expert ZRT Vendors

After sign up for the Free Vendor Central, brand editors can immediately start improving their product information as is made available to Expert ZRT and other retailers. For example, product titles, descriptions, specs, images, feature logos, and product videos.  Furthermore, the entered product information goes straight into the Icecat catalog and is ready to go live for syndication in minutes. Icecat takes care of the translation of structured data elements into local languages. Additionally, brand editors get real-time notifications and Icecat can push content to the live site directly. Last but not least, Vendor Central is free to use. No big investments in PIM and syndication infrastructures are needed.

In case of support needs, Icecat provides efficient service levels that utilize the editorial team. Further, there’s the option to use the premium syndication services of Open Icecat, including unlimited syndication to all channel partners of a brand. This includes platforms like Amazon and Google.

For more information, please contact Icecat online, register for Free Vendor Central, or contact your local account manager directly. To prepare yourself, watch our latest tutorial “How to Register Online for Free Vendor Central”.

Bence Varga

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