
Embed Free Cherry Product Data via the Icecat Catalog

We are excited to share that Cherry Europe GmbH has embraced the role of an Open Icecat sponsor for several years already, syndicating its high-quality and structured product content to all its channel partners. The content includes, for example, specifications, marketing texts, product images, brochures, and many other content types. Additionally, it is available in three languages: German, French, and English.

About the Brand Cherry

Since its foundation in 1953, Cherry has stood for quality, innovation, design, and sustainability for many years. Headquartered in Auerbach in der Oberpfalz, Cherry Europe GmbH’s extensive global presence, including offices in countries like the UK, France, and Hong Kong, further solidifies its position as a pioneer in the computer equipment industry. Their comprehensive product line, ranging from keyboards, mice, and MIX technologies to card readers and peripherals, showcases their firm dedication to innovation.

The Benefits for Cherry’s Resellers

The best news is that Cherry’s product data is free and easily accessible to all its resellers. The product information, enriched with localized digital assets, is readily available in German, French, and English on the Icecat catalog. For all channel partners, this means immediate access to comprehensive Cherry product details upon registration. The content can be conveniently downloaded in multiple formats, such as CSV, XML, JSON, or Icecat LIVE, offering retailers versatile integration options.

Download the Free Cheery Content

Cherry resellers seeking to leverage their product pages can easily access the content through their Icecat accounts. In case you are new to the platform, you can quickly register online, connect with the local Account Manager, or engage directly with the support team.

Business Development Manager D-A-CH at Icecat

Lana Buschhoff

Business Development Manager D-A-CH at Icecat

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