
Dutch toys brand SES Creative available in Open Icecat

From now on, the Dutch toy brand SES Creative, known for its coloring and other creative toys, offers its product information in the Open Icecat toys data model.

Three years ago,, FUN Belgium and Icecat initiated and created the Toys Data Model. Adopted in the Benelux, subsequently rolled out through Icecat’s global and polylingual database, this has thus become the market standard in the toys industry. Tens of toy brands, such as market leader Lego, have their product information already available in free Open Icecat. Users from any country can easily download the respective brand’s product information and import it in their e-business platforms.

An increasing number of toy brands are busy with their online positioning. Icecat notes a significant increase in the use of toys content. Furthermore, Icecat is also working on the integration of the data model within Amazon Vendor Central and Google Shopping.

“We are now fully relieved from the cumbersome internal task to distribute the SES Creative product information to our partners,” says Boris Scholtz, owner and director of SES Creative. “Also the time gap, before the information was fully visible online, is now being optimized. SES Creative is active in 75 countries. And in a lot of them, we work with distributors, who forward our content to their clients. In the case of re-distribution, we have less control over our product information. But with the help of Icecat, we expect to gain better oversight.”

Laura van der Blom

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