
Coverage Analysis of Your Catalog

All shops want good product information for as many of their products as possible. Therefore, knowing your catalog coverage is critical before implementing Icecat and choosing between Open and Full Icecat. In general, Icecat strives to cover at least 90% of the stock portfolios of mainstream distributors. Icecat, together with its brand, distribution, and retail partners, monitors this coverage daily as input for editors.

Quick Coverage Analysis

If you want to analyze the percentage of your products covered by Icecat, follow these steps:

  1. Login or Register at Icecat.

2. Upload your catalog to Icecat – Go to “Upload your file” at and setup the import.

 3. Check the results for Open and Full Icecat at:

4. The results will give you the match percentages for Open and Full Icecat, and you will get a list of the products Icecat didn’t recognize.

This analysis is free and gives you an idea of the product information Icecat supplies. It also enables you to make an analysis of the coverage Icecat can provide for you.

Extensive analyze (by Icecat)

In case you want more information or tailored analysis, please contact us: Contact Page.


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