
Brand Rank Monitor H1-2023: HP, Samsung, and Lenovo in Top 3

The demand for product content has continued to increase throughout 2023. In the Icecat Brand Rank Monitor H1-2023, we closely monitor all 33 thousand brands. Each brand’s ranking is determined by the billions of annual product data-sheet (PDS) downloads by our channel partners and direct views by consumers. A lower brand rank indicates a better score, meaning that brands with higher rankings require more views or downloads to improve their standing.

During the year’s first half, the global Icecat catalog recorded over 10 billion product data-sheet requests. These requests encompass various forms, including searches, downloads, and other means. HP leads the brand rank monitor with one billion+ requests, closely followed by Samsung and Lenovo. The top 10 also include Acer, DELL, ASUS, Philips, Apple, Sony, and Toshiba.

The top rankings mentioned earlier are typically dominated by tech brands, reflecting their strong presence in the market. However, as part of our ongoing efforts to provide comprehensive insights, we are excited to announce that we will soon be publishing the Top 10s per vertical. This expansion will include categories such as Toys, Fashion, Home, DIY, and more. By delving into specific verticals, we aim to cater to a wider range of industries and provide valuable rankings and statistics in these respective sectors.

Other KPIs on Brand Rank Page

The Brand Rank page offers additional insightful key performance indicators (KPIs) to provide a comprehensive overview of brand performance. One of these valuable metrics is brand analytics per country, allowing brand representatives to gain insights into their brand’s performance at a local level. As the internet implies globalization, Icecat acknowledges that not all views or downloads can be attributed to a specific country. Due to the international nature of e-commerce users and anonymous browsing by individual data consumers, complete localization of data is not always possible.

In addition, Icecat publishes the Brand Average Review Score, which considers the total number of reviews contributing to the score calculation. This transparent approach ensures that users have access to up-to-date statistics. Furthermore, this valuable statistic is also available for Testseek XML API users by default.

Finally, the data health score is prominently displayed, offering a comprehensive assessment of a brand’s data completeness. The brand data health completeness score represents the average completeness scores of all product data sheets within a brand’s portfolio, encompassing main products, supplies, and spare parts. Brand editors can easily monitor and track the changing color indicators of completeness to ensure data quality.

These additional KPIs on the Brand Rank page enable brand representatives to gain a deeper understanding of their brand’s performance, enhance transparency, and ensure data integrity.

Irina Popa

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