
Acer UK uses Icecat Free Vendor Central to Manage its Product Content

Acer UK uses Icecat Free Vendor Central and recently added its product content to this PIM cloud for all its commercial products. Acer Inc. is a Taiwanese multinational hardware and electronics corporation, specializing in advanced electronics technology. Now, Acer UK uses Icecat Free Vendor Central to manage its product content for its UK channel partners. This can be downloaded for all channel partners as it is part of Open Icecat. The digital assets that retailers can download are, for example, specs, marketing texts, product images. And, also rich content like reasons-to-buy, videos, and 3D.

Benefits for Acer

What are the reasons for Acer to make use of Icecat Vendor Central? Firstly, after registration, standardized product data-sheets including product titles, descriptions, specs, images, and product videos, can immediately be entered into Icecat by an Acer representative. Secondly, when an information update happens, Icecat gets a real-time notification and can push the Acer data to live immediately. Thirdly, the Acer product updates go straight into the Icecat database. And, therefore, its channel partners can automatically ingest this standardized content. Furthermore, additional service levels can be agreed upon if brand owners need some help. And, last but not least, the Vendor Central is free for brand owners.

Benefits for Acer resellers

What are the benefits for Acer UK’s resellers? The Acer UK product data-sheets will be more complete, timely, and enriched with localized digital assets. As the Acer data is part of sponsored Open Icecat, the use of Acer product content is immediate upon registration, and free of charge as well.

How to get access? If you are an Acer reseller, you can use your existing Icecat account to download Acer’s free product content. In case you don’t have an account yet, please register first. In case of questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us directly.


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