
Brand rank per country visualized

Today, we add a brand rank per country to Icecat’s online brand rank page. We base the brand rank per country on a brand’s relative number of product data-sheets views and downloads. The lower a brand’s country rank, the more views, and downloads relative to other brands. It gives a quick insight into a brand’s relative position in a country’s e-commerce market. Of course, also this brand statistic is subject to a large number of factors, such as a brand’s syndication policy, local presence, and distribution channel to name a few.

Brand analytics per country

A brand rank per country is especially interesting for a brand’s local business representatives. At the same time, as the internet implies globalization, we can not resolve all views or downloads to an individual country. Some e-commerce users are international. And some individual data consumers browse anonymously. Still, we believe that the country ranking is highly informative. See here, for example, the brand rank page of Philips.

What’s next?

What are the next steps for our brand analytics project? We want to expand the category-specific data view. Larger conglomerates have specialized business units and product managers, who like to see the performance of just their own categories. Further, we like to add a consolidated product review score on brand level.

In two-week sprints, we continue to add such additional statistics until we have the coolest e-commerce channel analytics environment on the planet.

Founder and CEO of Icecat NV. Investor. Ph.D.

Martijn Hoogeveen

Founder and CEO of Icecat NV. Investor. Ph.D.

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