
Zyxel Networks Germany is a New Icecat Sponsor

Zyxel Networks Germany, a leader in networking solutions, becomes an Open Icecat Sponsor to distribute its product content to channel partners. Using Icecat as its syndication platform, Zyxel Networks ensures that all its product content is available in one place for all its partners. Also, Zyxel Networks stands out with its use of Product Stories, ensuring that online visitors receive the best possible product experience. And are fully informed about the features and benefits of the networking solutions they are interested in. Zyxel Networks asks all of its partners to sign up for free at Icecat and download the product content.

About Zyxel Networks

Zyxel Networks is a leading provider of secure, AI-powered networking solutions for small to medium businesses (SMBs) and the enterprise edge. The company delivers seamless network connectivity and flexible solutions using the latest technologies, supported by robust and secure management platforms.

Zyxel Networks has a rich heritage in the networking industry and has been connecting businesses and home users for more than 30 years. In 1989, this meant analog modems. This means using the cloud to deliver a simplified – yet powerful – unified networking experience, leveraging AI and machine learning to provide cybersecurity and network connectivity that constantly evolve to meet the demands of an ever-changing world.

Zyxel Networks is part of the Zyxel Group, which is present in 150 markets. The company has shipped more than 100 million devices and is trusted by over 1 million businesses. All of them are working smarter with Zyxel Networks solutions.

Benefits For Zyxel Networks’ Partners

Zyxel Networks Germany invites all its partners to download the structured content from the Icecat catalog. All essential digital assets, including product specifications, marketing texts, images, and feature logos, are available in the product datasheets. Channel partners can download the content in a range of formats, as follows:

  • XML
  • JSON
  • CSV
  • JavaScript

In order to integrate or upload content seamlessly into their online platforms. Comprehensive manuals accompany each of these formats to ensure ease of use. Furthermore, users can opt for some of the Icecat add-ons, which are popular connectors to Shopify, Woocommerce, Prestashop, Magento, and more. By downloading the content from Icecat, Zyxel Networks channel partners ensure the product content is up-to-date to the latest standards.

Enhanced Product Stories Available

Zyxel Networks made Enhanced Product Stories available in the Icecat catalog to boost their conversion rate on retailer product pages and their presence in the German market.

These dynamic Product Stories encompass a wide selection of multimedia assets. For example, videos, feature logos and explanations, 3D objects, hot spots, and an image gallery. This strategic move aims to enhance the online shopping experience for customers by effectively replicating the engagement that customers commonly encounter when physically interacting with products in a traditional brick-and-mortar store. According to a study conducted by Icecat in collaboration with Disney and Dutch retailer Intertoys, Product Stories can increase the conversion rate on product pages by up to 11%.

Integrating Product Stories is a straightforward process that can be accomplished by adding a few lines of Icecat LIVE code. Icecat LIVE is a free, complimentary service that empowers you to embed real-time product content using minimal JavaScript coding.

Additionally, a comprehensive integration manual is available to guide you through the process of implementing Icecat LIVE. Should you require assistance, the dedicated Icecat team is at your disposal, offering expert guidance at every stage of the implementation process and showcasing several successful examples.

Download Zyxel Networks’ Product Content

If you are an Icecat user, please log in with your current credentials. If you are not yet registered with Icecat, we invite you to create a new account to download the product content. In case you have any questions, please contact

Business Development Manager D-A-CH at Icecat

Lana Buschhoff

Business Development Manager D-A-CH at Icecat

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