
Update: Pimcore-Icecat Addon V2 is Live!

The second version, V2, of our Pimcore-Icecat addon is now live and ready for use. Earlier, we released the first version of our open-source, which enabled millions of brand-approved product datasheets to become directly available for resellers and other users of this popular open-source PIM platform. Also our Pimcore-Icecat addon itself is open source to minimize the thresholds for users to download it. And, use the data from Open Icecat directly into their systems. As a result, fetching standardized data becomes easy, simple, and efficient.

In short, the second version will provide the end-users with more flexibility, control, and speed regarding product management within their Pimcore environments. 

The new automatic Icecat product categorization feature leads to improved efficiency. Because with the dynamic category-specific filtering feature, users can filter a particular product with just the click of a button, which results in improved efficiency, speed, and user experience.

Install the Pimcore-Icecat Addon

The Pimcore Icecat addon works with Pimcore version 10 and above. Existing users who are already using V1 and new users will be able to install the Icecat addon with the following straightforward composer commands:

  • Install the latest Icecat addon v2.0.0
    $ composer require icecat/icecat-integration:2.0.0
  • Update existing icecat plugin v1.0.0 -> v2.0.0
    $ composer require icecat/icecat-integration:2.0.0
    $ bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate –prefix=IceCatBundle\\Migrations

In case you need more detailed documentation and installation instructions, there is a manual available here.

V2 features

  • Switch on-off automatic Icecat product categorization as leading in the Pimcore database
  • Filtering products by language/category/brand/searchable attributes (dynamic)
  • Improved user experience compared to v1
  • Bug fixes/incorporate feedback provided by the open source community
  • Code compliant with PHP-CS fixer rules provided under php_cs.dist file

Switch on/off automatic Icecat product categorization as leading in the Pimcore database

On the Icecat panel, a checkbox is added to switch on/off Icecat product categorization. If the Icecat categorization is switched on, this categorization is leading in the Pimcore setup of the user. The setting is one-time and will be effective on subsequent product imports from Icecat. The user will be able to switch the setting on or off anytime.

In case a user switches the icecat categorization on, it will create a master list of Icecat categories (IcecatCategory class objects) and attach them to relevant products.

You can find the Category under the ICECAT/CATEGORIES folder.

Category object contains the Icecat category internal ID and localized name.

There is a new field in the Icecat product class for categories that hold the relationship between product and category.

Filtering products by language/category/brand/searchable attributes (dynamic)

Under the Icecat panel, a new filter screen is live, which shows when Pimcore contains at least one IcecatCategory class object. Furthermore, the purpose of this screen is to allow users to filter Icecat products by language, category, brand, or searchable attributes.

When importing categories from Icecat, the system gets the information on the searchable attributes configured for that category. Pimcore stores that information, and on the search screen, when a user changes the category based on the attributes configured, it creates the search filters on the fly.

Filtered products are visible on the right side of the panel.

Improved user experience

While importing products from icecat, a language column has been added on the import screen to see which products are available in which languages. 

Users should be able to efficiently filter from the Icecat grid in order to see which products have Icecat categories linked. 

The user can see the category listing on the Icecat category grid.

Other issues

  • Bug fixes of v1.0.0. A new column value is live in the Gallery icons block in order to view differences between icons. Earlier, the missing value column gave the user the impression that these were repetitive block icons, which was not the case.
  • Removed non-production code (debug code).
  • Code compliant with PHP-CS fixer rules provided under php_cs.dist file.
Prakash Dagwal

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