
Unieuro Integrates Huawei Product Stories

Unieuro integrates Huawei’s Product Stories via Icecat. Unieuro is, with 250 physical consumer electronics shops and a webshop, a successful omnichannel player in Italy. Its supplier Huawei invests in online product stories to better explain its products to its consumer audience via Unieuro and other e-commerce partners. Icecat is to enable not only the exchange of standardized product data-sheets but also product stories with rich media.

Standardized attributes for labels and shop search

Both rich media and standardized attributes are important for Unieuro. For example product title, images, specifications, marketing text are all included in a standard product data-sheet. This makes it easy for such data to be used in any e-commerce or publishing (e.g., label printing) application. Unieuro merges such standardized attributes to print them on tags in its physical shops. On the e-commerce side, they use them as search filters and bullet points to improve the user experience. But, structured data are not enough for cutting edge e-commerce.

What are Product Stories?

To tell the “full story behind a product” to the end-user is critical nowadays for seducing a consumer to choose a brand. It helps to communicate to a potential customer the main features of the product that distinguishes it from competing products.

Compelling product descriptions and imaging don’t just convey what a brand’s product is about, but also why a customer should buy it. Product stories might highlight the use scenarios of the product. They might also give a feel for the product experience and its coolness. Why others are buying it. Why you need to be seen with it.

A Product Story is, technically, an html5 minisite that can contain various multimedia blocks like videos, feature explanations, and an image gallery.

If you are a Huawei reseller and want to integrates Huawei’s Product Stories, you can use your Icecat account to download this free product content, register online, or contact your Icecat Account Manager!

Please note that is live now as well.

Roberta Celi

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