
UK Brands Successfully use Icecat Free Vendor Central to Syndicate Content to

After AO.Com appointed Icecat, it called upon its vendors to cease using its product set-up forms and begin using Icecat Free Vendor Central. Brands successfully use Icecat now, as they register and add product content for retailers to use instantly. Now, after three months this electrical retailer has 237 brands capable of updating its 11,340 product records for two countries, the United Kingdom and Germany. Further, brands like TP-Link, TCL, Acer, Dyson, Panasonic, and Beko made the next step to become Open Icecat sponsor and enjoy the premium services.

Vendor Central is free to use and brands can immediately start entering and enriching any kind of product information for AO and other Full Icecat users. Information like product titles, descriptions, specs, images, 360 degrees demos, and product videos. It doesn’t only help AO, but also helps brands to more effectively promote and position their products on the AO webshop. A better “digital shelf position”. Furthermore, it improves catalog coverage and completeness of a product data-sheet and reduces the time-to-market for new products. Product content that is entered into the Icecat Vendor Central will be automatically ingested into the AO e-commerce environment.

Some of the great benefits for you as a vendor of
– Once you’ve signed up, you can immediately start entering and enriching any kind of product information.
– Your brand’s product information goes straight to the Icecat database and ready to push live in a few minutes.
– As you update or add more information or assets, we will get real-time notifications and be able to push it live on-site immediately.
– Icecat is free to use – with paid options available to remove entirely the effort in uploading and managing content.

How to join Free Vendor Central?

It is easy to register, in three steps, for Free Vendor Central. Firstly, go to to sign up for a free Icecat account. Secondly, confirm your e-mail address. Thirdly, contact Icecat to assign your brand to your account. In addition for more information, please contact Icecat project lead Reuben Bradshaw, or Georgia Platt of AO.

Icecat takes care that only authorized staff is allowed to manage a brand’s product content. But we also offer training for first-time users. There is a tutorial on how to edit data via Vendor Central.

Reuben Bradshaw

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