
Toys R Us UK improves Product Pages with Icecat Enhanced Product Stories and Videos

Global toy retailer Toys ‘R’ Us recently made its return to the UK in October 2022. The launch includes a brand-new website offering a wide selection of toys, electronics, and games for children of all ages. They also plan to return to the UK high street. The goal is to have signed an exclusive sub-license agreement with WHSmith to trial nine Toys ‘R’ Us store-in-store concessions around the UK.

To enhance their product pages and help customers make a better-informed purchase, Toys ‘R’ Us UK has chosen to implement Open Icecat Rich Content, Enhanced Product Stories, and videos. This upgrade will bring many benefits, including increased customer engagement, brand consistency, and boosted online conversion.  

An example can be seen here:

Add content to Icecat Catalog

Toys ‘R’ Us encourages all toy brands to make their product content available in the Icecat catalog and become an Open Icecat Sponsor. Currently, more than 100+ toy brands are taking advantage of Open Icecat.

Open Icecat is a free service that helps brands share data about their products with resellers and marketplaces. It makes it easy for everyone to access the same product information. Additionally, it helps companies save time and money by simplifying the sharing of information about new products.

If you have any questions about the Icecat services or how to enhance content on product pages, please contact us or register directly for the Icecat catalog for free.

Chief Business Development Officer - Initiator of the Icecat toys data model together with the toy industry

René Rozendal

Chief Business Development Officer - Initiator of the Icecat toys data model together with the toy industry

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