
Supporting our Ukrainian colleagues

Our thoughts are with our Ukrainian colleagues in these shocking times. We help them in any way we can to timely relocate to safe areas. And provide the necessary funds. Many colleagues relocated timely to the Lviv area in Western Ukraine or rural areas away from the front lines. Some have already left the country and settled abroad. We maintain daily contact to monitor how we can help.

Till now the impact on Icecat services and systems is limited. We work hard to mitigate potential risks by reallocating jobs to teams outside UA, and to teams in safe areas within the country.

We often get the question: how can I help?

In general, it is good to donate to relief organizations such as the red cross, that provide humanitarian aid to people who most need it. Depending on how the situation develops, shelter might be needed for our colleagues. For this and other concrete needs we started today the UAid charity fund. We encourage you to contribute, or have your organization join the initiative. All contributions, small or big, are extremely appreciated.

Founder and CEO of Icecat NV. Investor. Ph.D.

Martijn Hoogeveen

Founder and CEO of Icecat NV. Investor. Ph.D.

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