
How Teknosa Solved its Product Information Challenges

As one of the biggest retailers in Türkiye, Teknosa’s workload and time spent managing product information were massive. Their main issues were with both the reliability and quantity of the data. It was manual work, and it took a long time to get product information from the manufacturers. Given that, it delayed the sales process and affected the numbers. Therefore, solving Teknosa’s product information challenges with Icecat was primary.

Boosting Coverage and Efficiency at Teknosa

  • Teknosa’s main reason for choosing Icecat as their product information provider was the high coverage. Along with the team’s quick response times during the negotiations and technical parts. The primary goal was to have coverage over 70% in the electronics category by the end of the first year, but with hard work on both teams, the coverage rate at the end of the first year was over 90%.

After a successful and smooth implementation, Teknosa started Icecat’s Vendor Central for their brands and suppliers. This program was a big success, with well-known brands like HP, Xerox, Bosch, Lenovo, Logitech, Nespresso, Asus, Beko, WMF, and Dyson on board. Currently, over 250 brands utilize Icecat Vendor Central to send their data to Teknosa’s webshop. Icecat’s Vendor Central helped Teknosa improve the quality of the product information and reduce the time spent communicating with the newly onboarded brands to establish quality standards.

Teknosa’s Daily Process with Icecat Consists of Two Parts:

The first part is the manual Service-level Agreement request. Here, Teknosa either requests product data from the manufacturer or asks Icecat to enrich the data with their quality assurance team. On the other hand, they can ask Icecat directly to fetch product data that they use official sources to retrieve. Once the product is described in Icecat, it is fetched by the API connection between Teknosa and Icecat to be shown on the web store.

The second part is Vendor Central, which Teknosa uses the most. In this process, the manufacturer provides the product information into Icecat’s database, which Icecat utilizes as a free PIM. Then, the data is checked by Icecat’s quality assurance team to ensure the best quality data for the customers. The API takes care of the rest as the first process.

In the Vendor Central option, the necessary training for Icecat’s system is provided by Icecat’s account managers to Teknosa’s brands and suppliers. Icecat’s account managers help the manufacturers learn the Icecat system and its features to ensure the best data quality. The brand’s authorized person is informed about the integration process and which parts of the product information are essential to Icecat and Teknosa.

The whole product information process at Teknosa is conducted via Icecat data. Teknosa started its marketplace project last year. At the moment, the number of articles on their webshop has tripled, as have the technical implementations behind it. However, the whole process worked out smoothly, and Icecat’s data empowered this project.

Icecat Elevates Teknosa’s Online Shopping Experience

Türkiye’s retailers are keeping up with online shopping trends, and Teknosa is not behind with its rich content pages. Icecat’s product stories are implemented on Teknosa to provide the best online shopping experience to the visitors of the webshop. Vendors are also encouraged to use Icecat’s Product Enrichment Tool to create their HTML pages easily. Thanks to the responsive pages, Icecat content is consistent and reliable on all devices and at all resolutions from a UX perspective.

Our collaboration with Icecat optimized our product catalog processes and allowed our suppliers to add their product information and revise. We both access a wide product information catalog and solve possible issues swiftly with the help of the Icecat team by using Icecat. This allowed us to make our processes more efficient as well as provide the most updated and accurate information. Thanks to Icecat’s extensive services, we reinforced our place in the market.

Tahir Yıldız, Digital Commerce Channels Group Manager at Teknosa

In Conclusion

As a result of this success, Teknosa and Icecat extended their partnership to cover all categories since the marketplace project onboarded many new articles in various categories. This implies that solving Teknosa’s product information challenges with Icecat is a golden call for other retailers. Keeping this in mind, if you wish to book a demo, contact us now!

Thanks to Icecat, we can control thousands of product information with one panel. Product visuals, technical details, and rich content are being implemented into the products quickly. Hence, we can easily add products to our website without worrying about the product information. Icecat is a must-have tool to use for big e-commerce platforms.

Erkin Erol, Web/UX Assistant Manager at Teknosa
Oben Karasaka

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