
Related Products in Icecat XML and JSON Data Channels

Icecat allows channel partners to retrieve information about product relations, for instance, recommended products, accessories, and consumables. To further explain, this manual describes the Related Products section and its attributes in Icecat product XML and JSON files.

Tag <ProductRelated> in XML Related Products

The tag <ProductRelated> is mandatory. However, If a product doesn’t have any Product Relations, then the empty <ProductRelated> tag is added. Further, if there is a product relation, each Product Relation is indicated in a separate <ProductRelated> tag.

Example of structure / product XML view:

<ProductRelated ID="" Category_ID="" Preferred="">
     <Product ID="" Prod_id="" ThumbPic="" Name="">
        <Supplier ID="" Name=""/>

Attributes of ProductRelated tag:

  • ID – Identifier of a Product Relation.
  • Category_ID – Icecat Category ID of a related product.
  • Preferred – indicates if a Product Relation is recommended by a brand. (0 = NOT recommended / 1 = recommended)

Tag <ProductRelated> → <Product> in XML:

Tag <Product> is mandatory. So, there is always only one <Product> tag for each Product Relation.

Attributes of <Product> tag:

  • ID – Icecat Product ID.
  • Prod_id – Product code of a related product.
  • ThumbPic – Link to the main image of a related product in thumb size. However, It is empty, if the image is unavailable.
  • Name – Product model description of a related product.

Tag <ProductRelated> → <Product> → <Supplier> in XML:

Tag <Supplier> describes a product brand.

Attributes of <Supplier> tag:

  • ID – Icecat brand ID.
  • Name – Brand name.

Tag <ProductRelated> → <ProductRelatedLocales> in XML:

In addition, you can find another tag for products that have localized Product Relations<ProductRelatedLocales>.

Attributes of <ProductRelatedLocales> tag in XML

  • ID – Icecat ID of a product relation.
  • langid – Icecat ID of a locale which this relation assigned for.
  • Preferred – Similarly, it indicates if a Product Relation recommended by a supplier for a specific locale. (0 = NOT recommended / 1 = recommended consequently)
  • StartDate – The date from which this relation recommended by brand.
  • EndDate – The date till which this relation recommended by brand.

Tag “ProductRelated” in JSON Related Products section:

Similarly, in a JSON product data file, the Related Products section is indicated by the “ProductRelated”:[] tag.

For example the Product JSON view:

"ProductRelated": [ 
      "ProductName":"Neomounts by Newstar security lock cable",
      "Brand":"Neomounts by Newstar",

Attributes of “ProductRelated” tag in JSON:

  • ID – Icecat ID of a product relation.
  • CategoryID – Icecat category ID of a related product.
  • Preferred – indicates if a Product Relation recommended by a supplier. (0 = NOT recommended / 1= recommended)
  • IcecatID – Icecat Product ID of a related product.
  • ProductCode – Product code of a related product.
  • ThumbPic – Link to the main image of a related product in thumb size. However, It is empty if the image is unavailable.
  • ProductName – Product model description of a related product.
  • Brand – Brand name.
  • BrandID – Icecat brand ID.
  • ProductRelatedLocales – Shows local data for related products.

For example the Product JSON view:

  • ID – Icecat ID of a product relation.
  • Language – identifies a locale which this relation is assigned for. (For example, EN, NL, ES, IT etc.)
  • Preferred – indicates if a Product Relation is recommended by a supplier, but for a specific locale. (0 = NOT recommended / 1 = recommended consequently)
  • StartDate – the date from which this relation is recommended by brand.
  • EndDate – the date till which this relation recommended by brand.

Petya Lesnyak

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