
Open Data in Marketing Statistics

Icecat wouldn’t be Icecat if we wouldn’t try to apply the open data principles to marketing statistics as well. Recently, we added a data export icon and link to every statistical page. For example, on the brand search page and the brand rank pages. The open data file for the brand search page is already very useful as I extensively explored the dataset in a recent data science project to determine the predictors of online brand popularity. In coming updates, we will add the open data function to category search and detail pages as well. Based on demand, we will further stretch the application of the open data principle regarding our statistics.

Why open data?

What is open data or open content actually? Data or content is open if anyone is free to use, re-use, mix and re-distribute it. Open data is available under an open content license. It is not only good for science, but also good for market and business intelligence. The more broadly datasets are available for researchers, the more creative and thorough their research and applications. This often leads to intriguing new insights. Firsthand, I am familiar with the usefulness of open data for statistical analysis when, for example, mixing COVID-19, meteorological and mobility datasets.

Open data is a core value of Icecat, embodied by the huge global product catalog Open Icecat. A unique endeavor. The resulting usage statistics are typically used to generate market insights. A more free and creative provisioning of the underlying statistics might be helpful to do more advanced statistical analysis: calculate correlations, perform regression analysis or perform t-tests to name a few.

Founder and CEO of Icecat NV. Investor. Ph.D.

Martijn Hoogeveen

Founder and CEO of Icecat NV. Investor. Ph.D.

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