
Manual: How to Import Free Product Content Into Your Webshop via Icecat

This guide will quickly show you how to import free product content from Icecat into your webshop. A lot of product content, so-called product data sheets (PDSs) are provided for free by Icecat’s sponsoring brands. However, if you want to push brand product content into Icecat, check out the Push-API (JSON) manual instead.

Access to Content

To access Open Icecat, you will need a username and password provided by Icecat. If you do not have these, please register online for Open Icecat. The Open Icecat catalog is free and contains millions of product datasheets.

Tip: During the registration, you need to choose the URL or Data (XML, JSON) version. If you want to use XML or JSON, make sure you choose the “Open Icecat Data” subscription. You can always change this afterward or create a second subscription for the URL (links to hosted data-sheets) download format.

If you need higher product content coverage, you will need to upgrade to Full Icecat. You can make a request via our contact page or through your account pages.

In short, access to the product content of Full Icecat is protected. If you want to access Full Icecat product content, you must unlock your IP address. Fill in the IP address(es) of your server(s) and office in the “Allowed IP addresses” field. If you do not know your office IP addresses, visit What is my IP to find your (office) IP. For your server IP address, please ask your system operator or provider.

You can fill in several IP addresses, separated by a space.

Popular Add-ons

If you are searching for a way to connect your app and integrate Icecat product content, check the most popular Icecat Add-ons.

Download PDSs from Icecat to your platform

Download the relevant product content, pictures, videos, marketing text, and add them manually to your webshop.


Download product content, pictures, videos, marketing text. automatically, and add them to your webshop or app.

Also, see the complete Icecat XML manual. Please note that the data is also available in JSON format

CSV or Excel

Download product information, pictures, videos, etc., and automatically add them to your webshop or app.

Icecat Live pages and Product Stories

Show real-time product content, pictures, videos, specifications through JavaScript directly on your shop pages. The simple method shows complete PDSs or a few popular objects like Videos, Reasons-To-Buy, and 3D images. Check the advanced Live manual if you want to have complete control over what content assets to show where and how (CSS).

Icecat Live is the modern variant of the good-old URL integration method.

Access to Product Reviews

Are you interested in adding product reviews professional and user reviews to your webshop? Then check out our review manual.

Important information

Flow – importing relevant product data from Icecat

  • Download the relevant index.
    1. files.index.xml.gz (.csv.gz) for all products in Icecat. Use this index once at the start of setting up the onboarding for Icecat.
    2. daily.index.xml.gz (.csv.gz) for the daily new and updated products. Use this index daily to select new and updated products.
  • In order to import only certain products from the list, you can make your query based on:
    1. Brand
    2. Manufacturer product code(s)
    3. GTINs (EANs, UPCs)
    4. Category
    5. Quality
    6. On market
  • Download the relevant product XMLs you need.

Important links and files

Important Links & filesYou need to login to Icecat to access and download these files
Index file – Full Icecat
Index file – Open Icecat
Daily index file – Full Icecat
Daily index file – Open Icecat
Reference files – Full Icecat
Reference files – Open Icecat
Icecat CategoryCategoriesList.xml.gz
Icecat taxonomyCategoryFeaturesList.xml.gz

View Comments

    • Dear Philipp
      There is no specific time for this action. We would like to suggest to make HEAD requests to the file, updated timestamp will be returned in response

    • Can't be pinpointed exactly, given multiple daily batch processes. You could first query the file creation date before pulling the index.

  • Salut ,
    Mon lecteur affiche un message d'erreur : 5-PROTEC et s'arrête .comment puisse résoudre ce problème ?

    • Hi George, thanks for your comment. A country manager will contact you soon. Regards, Wouter

  • about the daily file: suppose we missed for whatever reasons some of the daily files. Then we do not know which products should be updated or not.
    Is there a way to download historical daily files?

    • Hi Edwin, thanks for your response. A country manager will contact you soon. Regards, Wouter

    • Hi Edwin, a general advice is to use the full index at regular intervals for a full sync to ensure you didn't miss certain updates in addition to using the daily indexes for efficiency.

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