
International Standards Supported by Icecat

Without being complete, please find below a list of international standards supported by Icecat.

  • JSON/JavaScript Object Notation conforming to ECMA-404
  • The encoding used in our interfaces is UTF8
  • HTTP(S) for file transfer
  • Gzip, Bzip2 and Zip for file compression
  • UNSPSC (see for categorization
  • GTIN (EAN/UPC) for logistical product codes (when provided by manufacturers)
  • ISO 639-1 two-character code for languages
  • ISO 3166-1 two character code for countries
  • All common graphical formats for images (JPEG, GIF, PNG, PDF) and video (MP4).
  • Diverse product-specific standards, as mentioned in the feature descriptions.

In case you have any question, feel free to contact us directly via the website.


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    • Not all database. The full index, and next the product files that you need. Or you can create a personalized catalog file, via the frontoffice (login area). What's the purpose of your application?

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