
NEW: Image Messaging Services for Brands

A new Icecat feature gives brands the opportunity to automatically add commercial messaging to images that are provided with product data-sheets and shared throughout Icecat’s user network. This service allows brands to merge and highlight localized key messaging within a product’s main image, that is often the eye-catcher for an online shopper visiting a product page.

Icecat sees this communication need coming back in all sorts of other images. Not only images but also as marketing banners and rich media pages converted to images. In Asia, consumers often shop using mobiles. Due to the highly mobile consumer network, to present immediately all essential information of the product, the majority uses annotated images. Information needed by consumers to drive a purchase decision. The use of annotated images, we can see it in other situations as well to differentiate and stand out from the crowd. One way to do this is to add a brand’s “authorized partner” logo to an image. This will confirm that the business partner has authorization by the brand to sell and service branded products.


  • Automated optimization ensures consistency in a brand’s presentation across all authorized partners and platforms
  • Increase efficiency by significantly reducing the manual processing of images
  • Control your brand’s own product data and reseller authorization
  • Reduce time-to-market for messaging

Brands can apply image optimization to any product image. Icecat supports multiple variants based on layout, design elements, as well as partner and platform requirements. Furthermore, the image messaging functionality can automatically embed key specifications, selected logos and partner data in main images. The requirements of key partners and platforms are adopted. Lastly, a separate data flow via integration partners can be adopted.

“As we need standardized data to ensure automation of these processes works flawlessly, the foundation for product data integration is based on Open Icecat data”, according to Icecat CCO Peter Sol.

If you want more information about how to implement Automated Image Messaging, please contact your local account manager or contact us via our contact page.

Examples of Automated Image Messaging:


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