
UPDATE: Register for Webinar “Icecat LIVE Integration” on February 24

Please, register for the February 24 webinar about Icecat LIVE. A good opportunity to ask both functional and technical questions to the makers.

Starting this February, we will host every month a webinar with a different Icecat subject. To allow our users to ask questions, technical, functional, or otherwise. The first webinar will be about Icecat LIVE, on Wednesday, the 24th of February.

February 24: ”Icecat LIVE services”

You have the chance to ask any question regarding Icecat LIVE on February 24, 16.00 (4pm) or 9.00 (9am) CET.

Icecat LIVE is a free service that enables you to insert real-time product content from hundreds of major brands or manufacturers in any of your apps. Just with a few lines of JavaScript in your HTML template. Interested? Please, register via the button below. If you would like to participate in the meeting but, the date is not convenient, please inform us.

How can I ask questions?

You can ask questions beforehand via the Registration Form. These will be answered during the webinar by our support team. And, of course also during the webinar, you can ask your questions. There will be 10 minutes for Q&A at the end to cover these. If you have urgent questions, don’t hesitate to contact your account manager, or contact us via the website.

Icecat will record the webinar so you can review the session at a later stage.


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