
Icecat Service Roadmap for 2020

In the year of 2020 Icecat is planing to further improve its services and add new functionalities for its users. You can see below an overview of the planned developments in the Icecat 2020 Roadmap.

Icecat Portal
– Applying redesign to the user backoffice
AMP roll-out in all templates, and more standard SEO improvements
– Publish icecat taxonomy for each category separately
– Monitor and improve search (Q1-Q4)
– Publish more popularity stats (Q3-Q4)
Icecat Vendor Central (PIM)
– Activating multilingual support for all 50+ languages (Q1)
– Full roll-out of multilinguality support (Q2-Q4)
– Brand quality product data-sheets with a >50% completeness score automatically upgraded to “Icecat quality” (Q1)
– Support two titles per product: Brand Owner and Icecat titles (Q2)
– Brand dashboard: authorized users/period/product/category/brand (Q2-Q3)
ETL speed upgrade and include for brand editors (Q2)
– Include common Product Story elements in the Reasons-To-Buy section (Q3)
– Upgrade of the Editor Assignment Tracking Tool to increase workflow efficiency (Q1)
– Editor journal V2 refactoring to improve tracking of changes made by editors (Q4)
Reporting Engine
– to include all LIVE events: video and 3D usage, content interactions, scrolling, etc. (Q1)
– Documenting the Reporting API (Q1)
– Brand/User-specific filtering improved (Q1)
– rework incl. logical/tech user and authorized reseller filtering (Q2)
– Continuous monitoring of all group sites including pen testing, and vulnerability scans and fixing
– Adding country filter(s) for embargo countries on brand level
ICURY (ICY) ecosystem
Airdrop 5 (Q1)
Acceptance of ICURY (ICY) for payment of Icecat invoices (Q1)
– Listing ICY on more registered/licensed exchanges (Q1/Q2)
– Rewarding ICURY hodlers with membership benefits (Q4)
– Customizable product lists: taxonomy per client (Q1)
– More efficient product data model incl. multisourcing support (Q1/Q2)
– Content version history viewer (Q1)
– Export system performance upgrades (Q2)
– Client-scheduled exports (Q2)
– Global assortments: multimarket support per product (Q2/Q3)
– Push-API (API-in) for 3rd parties (Q4)
– Creation of separate identity service (Q4)
– Reporting, workflow & roles-based access features (Q4)
Open Catalog Interface (APIs)
– API-in documentation for brand owner devs published (Q1)
Near Real Time (nRT) XML publication live (Q2)
– Personalized, user-specific nRT XML (Q2)
– nRT diary of product updates + taxonomy changes per period (Q3)
– Mobile/AMP version and other SEO improvements
– Full Redesign
– Align APIs with Icecat APIs
– Improved integration for Google Manufacturer Center, include product stories (Q1)
Drag & Drop to change product specifications (Q1 – Q2)
multiple prices per product (Q2-Q3) 
Attribute & Attribute value mapper for exporting data (Q3-Q4) 
Retrieval real time stock/pricing updates (Q2)
– Upgrades of Prestashop and Magento modules and introduction of a Woocommerce Icecat plugin (Q1-Q3)
Tech stack
– Migration to Clickhouse as to main data storage for Icecat statistics (Q2)
– Kubernetes application management rollout (Q2)
– Icecat Live performance refactoring & Live JSON API 2.0 (Q3)
– Cassandra storage upgrade 3.11 and its optimization to minimize the space consumed and data accessibility / performance (Q1-Q2)
– ElasticSearch upgrade (Q2)
– OAuth2 as single standard for authorization and authentication (Q2)
– Performance/Emergency Dashboard (Q1)
– Expanding customer data encryption (Q3)
– API token for API access & images access (Q4)

Chief Operating Officer at Icecat

Vazha Abramishvili

Chief Operating Officer at Icecat

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