
Icecat Release Notes 168 – 169: Age Rating in Media API and finalizing Reseller Invitation by Brand

In Icecat Release Notes 168-169, we explain the implementation of age rating in the Media API. Additionally, we explain the finalization of the Reseller Invitation by Brand functionality. We kindly refer you to the previous Icecat Release Notes for more information.

Age Rating in Media API

We released the possibility of adding age ratings to videos via Media API. This can be done by using the PEGI, USK, ESRB, or ACB rating systems.

Users will be able to add, update or delete age rating parameters using POST, PATCH, and DELETE endpoints, respectively. Furthermore, we have provided POST and DELETE endpoints for adding age rating descriptors. These descriptors can provide further information about the content of the video. As a result, users can make informed decisions about what content is appropriate for different age groups.

By making use of our age rating functionality, users can ensure that their content is appropriate for their intended audience and comply with age rating regulations. We have the age rating IDs for each rating system to make the process even easier for our users. Dictionary with age ratings Icecat identifiers you get by GET endpoint with query param – Metadata[]=AgeRatings (Swagger UI )

Moreover, Media API endpoints have been renamed from “UnlinkedProductMedia” to “UserMedia”. Henceforth, it will be referred to as “User Media” in all our future communications.

If you have any questions or feedback about this new feature, please don’t hesitate to reach out to our support team. We value your feedback and are always looking for ways to improve our services.

Final stage in Reseller Invitation by Brand functionality

As you may know from previous release notes, we are working on a new feature, Reseller Invitation by Brand. This feature will enable brands within the PIM (Product Information Management) to invite resellers to use their product data via Icecat. Both existing and new users will receive invitations. Upon acceptance of an invitation, resellers will be automatically assigned to the brand.

For this release, we developed a service that will automatically create and send tickets to our internal ticketing system to follow the required procedure of the assignment process. Furthermore, we developed services that will allow us to cancel invitations and reassign resellers from the previously assigned brand via this functionality.

It is important to note that these services and user interface screens for Reseller Invitation by Brand have been developed but are not live yet. We are working to ensure the functionality is fully implemented before it is released to users. To conclude, work on this project will continue.

Teymur Asgarov

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