
Icecat Release Notes 166: Reseller invitation by Brand and Update of UNSPSC Codes

In Icecat Release Notes 166, we will explain the development of the new reseller invitation by brand functionality. Additionally, we will showcase some other noteworthy enhancements and resolution of issues. For more information, kindly refer to the previous Icecat Release Notes.

Reseller invitation by Brand

We are working on a new feature, Reseller Invitation by Brand. This feature will enable brands within the PIM to invite resellers to use their product data via Icecat. Existing users and new users will receive invitations. Upon acceptance of an invitation, users are automatically assigned to the brand.

  • Registered Icecat users: a redirect will lead them to the login page. Upon successful login, the user will be assigned to the brand.
  • For new Icecat users: a redirect will lead them to the registration page. After successful registration, the user will be assigned to the brand.

It is important to note that while the Back Office User Interface for Reseller Invitation by Brand has been developed, it is not yet live. The User Interface mock screens have been created to give an idea of how the interface will function and what information brands will be required to provide. We are currently working to ensure that the functionality is fully implemented before it is released to users. We will keep you updated on the progress and let you know as soon as the feature becomes available.

Update of UNSPSC Codes and Versions for Several Categories

We have updated UNSPSC Codes and Versions for Several Categories for this release. UNSPSC codes (Universal Standard Products and Services Classification codes), are a classification system to identify products and services within the global marketplace. The system provides a standard framework for product classification, making it easier for businesses to organize and categorize their product data.

The latest update to our UNSPSC codes and versions affects several categories within Icecat. This update allows users to classify and organize their product data within these categories. We are committed to providing our users with the latest and most comprehensive product data. We continually update our systems and classifications to ensure users can manage their product data more effectively and enhance their operations.

Furthermore, we encourage all users to review these updates and contact our support team with any questions or concerns.

Other improvements in Icecat Release Notes 166:

  • SEO improvement. For this release we made a significant improvement for our XML sitemap structure: set Auto-Update (update will happen once a week), Reduced URLs in each map down to 25000 and integrated XML sitemap into Robots file
  • Fixed the issue in our JSON API that previously required users to add a content token to some media asset URLs manually. With this fix, all media assets have content tokens automatically added to their URLs when requested via our API. This simplifies the process for our users.
Teymur Asgarov

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