
Icecat Release Notes 164: APP Key on User Profile Page and Icecat PDF in Completeness Score

In these Icecat Release Notes 164, we explain the APP key on the user profile page. Furthermore, we highlight the Icecat PDF in the completeness score. Please, find here the previous Icecat Release Notes.

Enhancing the Process of Obtaining APP Key

To enhance the customer experience, we made a significant effort to obtain the APP Key. The APP Key is needed to request Full Icecat products files through JSON API. Previously, customers wishing to work through JSON API would have to approach our support team to obtain the APP Key. However, with the latest development, they can now get the APP Key directly from their user profile page under the “Access Details” section. The process is simple, with the customers only having to click on the “Get APP Key” button. After that, the APP Key will be displayed in a new pop-up window.

Incorporating Icecat PDF into the Completeness Score

We have added the “Icecat PDF” asset to the list of contributors to the completeness score, with a weight of 5%. It is important to note that this addition is only applicable if a product has no leaflet PDF but has an Icecat PDF. This allows us to provide a more comprehensive and accurate representation of the product’s completeness.

Expanding the Parameters for JSON API Usage

We added two additional parameters, namely “PlatformName” and “PlatformVersion”. Users can include this in their URL query and assign values to them. For instance, PlatformName=Pimcore and PlatformVersion=1.01 if you use Pimcore v1.01. It is important to note that there is a limit for these parameters, with the platform name accepting up to 100 characters and the platform version accepting up to 16 characters. These parameters are optional, but if one is included in the URL query, the other must also be included. This information is then stored in our database for future reference. With this improvement, we can track each user platform’s performance using JSON API.

Multilingual PIM

We are working on the Multilingual PIM epic that will allow users to use all components of Icecat Vendor Central in 60+ different languages. We have added translation tokens for this release into the New Product Page.

Teymur Asgarov

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