
Icecat Release Notes 154: Improvement of Auto-generated Bullet Points and Competitor Overview on Brand Rank Page

In these Icecat Release Notes 154, we explain the further improvements of auto-generated bullet points and the competitor overview on the brand rank page. Further, we highlight the UX design update for Amazon authorization. Please, find here the previous Icecat Release Notes.

Competitor overview on Brand Rank Page

On the website, on the brand dashboard, the new comparison page is live. Here users can compare the statistics between separate brands.

Amazon authorization button

The Amazon authorization for Amazon Listings API in the My Profile section is now located beneath the Access details list.

Auto-Generated Bullet Points improvements

There are several improvements to Auto-Generated bullet points. Firstly, permission was updated to allow category managers to use the interface of bullet point generation rules. Secondly, the number of Specs in Auto-Generated Bullet Points is now adjustable. If a unit for the spec exists, it will be displayed now. Finally, we changed the delimiter between parts of a Bullet Point.

Search button on update

The Icecat catalog website supports different languages and translations. From now on, the text on the search button is the chosen local language.

Other improvements in Icecat Release Notes 154:

  • An issue with the incorrect quality of several products.
  • A problem with an empty taxonomy dropdown.
  • The team made improvements on level1 cache, issues with Redis connection were fixed, and tech debt on the PERL side was fixed.

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