
Icecat Release Notes 153: Auto-Generated Bullet Points in JSON files and Retailer Specific Descriptions

In these Icecat Release Notes 153, we explain the further development of the auto-generated bullet points, in JSON files. Further, we highlight the support of taxonomy-specific descriptions per retailer. Please, find here the previous Icecat Release Notes.

Auto-Generated Bullet Points in JSON

In the previous release notes, we mentioned the activation of the auto-generated bullet points for the portal and in XML files. This feature allows users to add Bullet Points at the, for now, product low-level categories. In this sprint, we introduce the support of auto-generated bullet points in our JSON output as follows:

  • GeneratedBulletPoints – New tag for generated bullet points.
  • Values – Array of values ​​for auto-generated bullet points – Array of strings
  • Language – short code of the language for the displayed values ​​of bullet points – String

For example:

"GeneratedBulletPoints": {
   "Language": "EN",
   "Values": [
        "Bulb size: 3U",
        "Light color: Gold, Green, Purple",
        "Operating relative humidity (H-H): 10 - 20%",
        "Bulb power: 33 W"

Retailer Specific Descriptions

In this release, the user interface to enrich product content with taxonomy-specific product descriptions per channel partner, is set live. For example, SEO attributes and marketing texts that are specific for the Amazon taxonomy. In Icecat’s back office, we added the new function to allow users to provide such optional content for third-party taxonomies, typically larger retailers. This option can be activated for any specific taxonomy separately. After activating this feature on taxonomy level, users are able to provide additional descriptions for each activated taxonomy on product level within the section “Taxonomy specific description.” In this way, brands can manage the unique content that they tuned specifically for certain channel partners.

In future releases, we will launch the support of the above-mentioned feature in the XML files and JSON output.

Other improvements in Icecat Release Notes 153:

  • Updated UNSPSC codes for the product categories to support version 23.0701.
  • Fixed the bug where shop-type users, after password reset, could see some of the backoffice content.
  • Fixed an issue regarding the completeness score. After adding a PDF leaflet, the multimiedia object type completeness score did not change.
  • Created the possibility for brand type users to add videos via Media API by setting the Owner’s user id as their own ID.
  • Fixed a bug in the video encoder on the stage when the encoder tried to handle duplicate files.
  • Added Belgium in the central dropdown list for Vendor and Seller in Amazon Auth.
Teymur Asgarov

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