
Icecat Release Notes 149: Media API Videos in Icecat Live

In these Icecat Release Notes 149, we explain the implementation of Media API videos in Icecat Live. Further, we will discuss some improvements and fixes. Please, find here the previous Icecat Release Notes.

Media API Videos in Icecat Live

We released the integration of Media API with Icecat Live. So, from now on Icecat users will be able to upload videos through the Media API upload endpoint and call these videos alongside the product content through the Icecat Live channel. Even if these videos are not connected to a product data-sheet.

While uploading videos, users will set the following parameters:

  • User Reference Code of a digital asset
  • (Brand) Owner’s user ID
  • *List of authorized users

Thereafter, in Icecat Live calls for a particular product, users are able to use the above-mentioned parameters into the script. Next, Icecat Live checks the availability of the video assets in our storage for the requested parameters. Consequently, users will receive as a return the product information via Live including the video assets from the Media API storage. This implies that videos are shown even if they are not connected to a product data-sheet yet.

*Authorized users – the list of users who have access to the video assets. Asset owners will be able to set the list of users simply by adding their Icecat user id into the required field. Alternatively, asset owners will be able to leave that field empty, meaning that only the asset owner can access it. Furthermore, asset owners will be able to mark the video public meaning that all users will have access to the video.

Other improvements in Release 149:

  • Removed EN as a default backup language for Bullet Points for locales without explicit backup language configuration for JSON.
  • Expanded the existing limitation on the number of “ProductImageAnnotated” images from 10 to 20 for HP CAP.
  • Added a Public field for the Media API upload endpoint.
Teymur Asgarov

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