
Icecat Release Notes 120: brand list for brand manager, and Publishing Icecat Product IDs

In these Icecat Release Notes 120, we discuss the ElasticSearch upgrade to 7.12.1, and the list of assigned brands to brand users is now available. Furthermore, the Icecat Product ID and output file size are now live on the product page. Please, find the previous Icecat Release Notes 119 here.

ElasticSearch upgrade from 5.4 to 7.12.1

The upgrade to ElasticSearch 7.12.1 brings important benefits for our users. Firstly, the Front Office search works about four times faster now. Furthermore, it reduces RAM usage by 37% and reduces the codebase by more than 1,000 lines.

Showing brand list to brand manager

Our users already have a list available of the brands that have authorized them. Additionally, we also make such a brand list available for a brand manager. In this case, it shows the list of brands or sub-brands that are managed by the respective brand user in Icecat. The list is available on the My Profile page in the Access details section.

Added Icecat Product ID to product pages

As the first step in our permalink project, we added the Icecat product ID to product pages. By clicking it, the product URL copies into the buffer. In our next sprint, we will adopt a DOI-like format to create an efficient permalink structure for sharing persistent links to unique product data-sheets.

Download files in MB

On the Import/Export page of a logged in user, we now show the output file size values in MBs instead of in KBs when the file is bigger.

Bug Fix

  • No way to save the user data changes on My Profile page in mobile version

Vladimir Demchuk

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