
Icecat Release Notes 119: Multilingual rollout Vendor Central, and Product Page improvements

In these Icecat Release Notes 119, we discuss a new feature to delete values and assets through the import-export tool and further steps toward the fully multilingual Vendor Central. We also applied several other tech improvements. You can find the previous, Icecat Release Notes 118 here.

Vendor Central improvements: GTIN and multimedia assets interface multilingual

The multilingual logic regarding the GTIN and multimedia object blocks on the product page in the Icecat Vendor Central for brand managers is now live. The language will change according to the language setting in a user’s profile.

Remove attributes or assets via the editor’s import tool

A new import policy allows editors to edit data in the Icecat database more efficiently: empty or blank cells can be “included”. With this setting activated, the empty cells in the feed lead to the removal of attributes or assets from the database.

ElasticSearch upgrade front office

We are currently working on an ElasticSearch upgrade, and it takes much more time than expected. The issues never happened at v5.4 but are happening at v7.12. Hopefully, we will soon be ready to announce the great update of our search because the newer version performs a lot faster.

Product Story reporting

Furthermore, an upgrade of the Product Stories reporting is live. We changed from Matomo to Clickhouse and custom reporting. This change prepares for getting more analytics into the brand rank page and dashboard.

Fixes Back Office

  • Fixed minor bugs regarding Index files for Verticals
    – Users could not get the files if they entered the locale in lower case.
    – Users opened a random file if they accessed a non-existing index file.

Issues Front Office

  • Overall page performance improvement: firstly, we improved the YII2 implementation by removing static files in React. Secondly, we rewrote the site header from YII2 to React.
  • Fix: “Brand” and “Search similar products” links on the Product page led to the Search page without the selected brand/category.
  • Fix: “Generate” and “Request daily updates” buttons were displayed incorrectly in the mobile version on the Import/Export page.
  • The design was not switchable to the new version for brand user accounts.
  • The hamburger menu was not scrollable in the horizontal view in the mobile version.

Vladimir Demchuk

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