
Icecat Release Notes (111): Timestamps in Taxonomy Files, Brands Authorizations and Brand editor analysis

The main highlights in these Icecat release notes 111 sprint are the addition of timestamps in certain taxonomy files, and the use of external assets links for multimedia objects. Furthermore, we discuss changes to the front office changes and editorial journey. The previous Icecat Release Notes 110 are here.

Timestamps in taxonomy files

We implemented timestamps (“Updated”) for the taxonomy files LanguageList and DistributorList. In this way, customers have an instrument to see when an item is added, e.g., a new language or a new distributor relation. For example, the previous day, or if it is an old value. By including these timestamps, you update this taxonomy change more efficiently in your own e-commerce environment. Step by step, we will apply these timestamps to all taxonomy files. This is in the so-called refs files.

External asset links for Multimedia objects

Regarding Multimedia objects, we have the following logic in place. For video, pdf, 360 and Product Story from Open Icecat sponsoring brands, we link to assets on our own server at For non-sponsoring brands, we use external links only. As a result, we implemented the same logic for the digital assets related to Multimedia objects.

Brand user can add international Multimedia objects

Now, brand users have the possibility to add Multimedia objects not only to a country to which the respective user is assigned. But, also to “International” when the objects are not language-specific. In addition, the brand can update related international fields as well.

Added brand authorizations overview to My Profile

From now on, a Full Icecat user sees the list of brands who authorized him or her. Further, the user is able to request additional authorizations right from the My Profile page.

PIF and PCF are available via links again

We added new improvements to the redesigned Personal Index File and Personal Catalog File so that the links specified in the open documentation will work for users as it was in the previous design.

Added brand editor updates to the editor journal

In our Vendor Central (PIM) system, we have the so-called Editor Journal, in which the system summarizes all changes editors made in every part of a product data-sheet. Till recently, only the changes by Icecat editors were recorded here. Now, we record the updates by brand editors too, for transparency and internal analysis. We don’t publish this user data externally for privacy reasons. In the internal analysis interface, we added the generic check box to select changes made by “Brand users only”.

Vladimir Demchuk

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