
Icecat present at Kaufland eCommerce Day on 5th of May in Cologne

Kaufland, a German hypermarket chain, has used Icecat product content successfully for multiple years to enhance the online customer experience for its online shoppers. On the 5th of May 2023, Kaufland will hold its Kaufland eCommerce Day for the eleventh time. Over 100 companies will present themselves on more than 4,000 m² of exhibition space. There will also be more than 30 specialist lectures on various topics related to ecommerce. Visitors to the event are typically online retailers, shop operators, and manufacturers with their own online sales. 

At the booth, Icecat will showcase a demo of its content solutions. We showcase the importance of using structured content from the Icecat catalog, the PIM solutions, and the integration of content into your desired e-commerce platform via our connectors.

You can meet the Icecat DACH team who will be present at the Kaufland eCommerce Day. 

Date: 5th of May
Booth: 40
Location: RheinEnergieSTADION, Cologne

Business Development Manager D-A-CH at Icecat

Lana Buschhoff

Business Development Manager D-A-CH at Icecat

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