
Icecat One PIM: The All⁃In⁃One Platform for Content and Syndication

We commit to our customers and partners, and we value their feedback to constantly improve our service capabilities. In the current Icecat Free Vendor Central, the online cloud-PIM, we standardize the brand’s product content. As a result, selected channel partners can automatically ingest this content.

The Icecat Group includes several companies, each with its own specialization, such as category-specific PIM, reviews, and a content catalog. The goal of this diversification is to offer our users state-of-the-art content, PIM, and related services across all product categories. However, at the moment the integration of knowledge from different companies is not as seamless as we would like. That is why the Icecat One PIM project was born.

The goal of the Icecat One PIM project is to provide a full-featured eco-system where brands and retailers can take advantage of all capabilities of the Icecat Group as one unique service offer. The Icecat One PIM will help brands to integrate more efficiently the content. On the other hand, it will help retailers to ingest and enrich product content to their eco-system. This includes product reviews, purchasing, and digital assets as a single capability.

As a responsible company, our mission aligns with our commitment to the Planet. In other words, we are taking a closer look at our footprint and the impact we have through our value chain to find opportunities to improve our sustainability and have a greater impact. So, we are busy creating a more sustainable, centralized data-managed, inter-connected, shared micro-services and more secure ecosystem. This is in order to help online shoppers make better sustainable buying decisions.

Icecat Ecosystem

The Eco-system will be able to distribute product content to any brands, retailers, and e-commerce partners with product content from all categories. Our sales, marketing, and engineering teams together are busy brainstorming:

Prakash Dagwal

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