
Icecat One PIM: A Whitepaper

As previously communicated, within the Icecat family the Icecat One PIM project was born. Icecat takes a closer look at its footprint and the impact we have through our value chain to find opportunities to improve our sustainability and
have a greater impact. As the Icecat One PIM project team continues their work on the development, they also attach great importance to keeping the stakeholders informed about their progress. Therefore, the team has prepared an Icecat One PIM Whitepaper. 

The whitepaper contains an analysis of the current state as well as an explanation of the product currently in development. The Icecat One PIM whitepaper starts with an introduction of the company, including an overview of the current products and services in the field of product information management systems. Next, the whitepaper introduces a detailed description of the One PIM and how it combines all the existing PIMs in the Icecat family. Download the whitepaper to read the project plan in detail.

The project is managed by Prakash Dagwal. Prakash is the author of this whitepaper. He joined one of Icecat’s daughter companies, Syndy, a few years back. Now, Prakash will continue to fill in the coach role for Syndy. But, at the same time, he will also focus on Icecat group-level projects. One of his priority projects is the Icecat One PIM.

Prakash Dagwal

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